Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Importance of IT in Education

Important Of Computer Technology In Education

opens up prospects for a form for learning that can be customized to students. Using IT tools, such as multimedia, e-mail, presentation handouts, commercial courseware, CD-ROM materials, computer simulations, computer lab/classroom, www-based resources, teaching can be organized so that the pupils can themselves control the learning process. Educational courses, based on the learners' skills, can be designed in new and more effective ways. A pool of information is globally available that enables teaching with real world situations, for example, a communication professor who teaches advertising requires students to locate various advertising agencies on the internet. The presentations are then critiqued according to the various principles taught in the course. Collaborative activities among student can be facilitated using networked computer labs. Online discussion forums allow students to discuss topics specified by the instructor. Team projects can be completed where team members are located at different geographical locations. Thus education can be made available outside of working hours, on weekends and at remote locations. Computer simulations are extremely useful, especially in scientific studies. Students can explore various facets of human anatomy by simulated dissection, learning how structures relate to one another. Visual tools enable students to better understand concepts.

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