Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ezample of Computer Based Training

A person would like to learn how to use image editing software program so they purchase the computer based training for that specific software application. They also purchase the actual software that they would like to become familiar with. While they are being trained with the computer assisted instruction, they can simultaneously verify and put into practice all that they learn in the training, since they have the target software on-hand. The advantage of this kind of system is that all of the information is right there at their desktop in one place versus going to a class, having time lapse before they can get access to a computer.

In the past, computer based training was not as easily accessible or viable for businesses as it required a prodigious amount of hardware and software, items that were much more exorbitant in price than today. Nowadays, nearly everyone has access to a personal computer at home, at work or at computer labs in schools or libraries. This kind of access to computers has helped to see an increase in the use of computer courses programs, as well as a growth in the computer based training industry.

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